To exchange Heat and energy
Some equipment, machine are releasing some heat that is energy and CO2. It is important to get, collect it to be as efficient as possible.
By recovering the heat we will save CO2.
Recover the heat and the energy will avoid to produce new raw energy and save CO2.
They are different possibilities to recover the heat and the energy.
This heat can come rom the hot water, the steam or the heat of the machines used.
1 - Hot Water : for some processes, we need hot water. Its energy is transferred from the water to the process and will go out after doing its actions. The water can be still hot after the process and we could reuse it and transfer the energy to fresh water that needs to be heated
2 - Hot Oil : Air compressor example : Heat is produce by compressing the Air. This heat can be absorbed by the oil. The oil is circulated by pressure and will cross a plate heat exchanger. Heat is then transfered to water supply that can be delivered to any application where heated water is required such as steam generator, boiler, washing processes, heating systems and others.
3 - Hot Air : In an air compressor there is hot air produced also that can be delivered as heat directly to offices or workshop. If not needed during the summer you can divert to the outside environment.
Many machines, equipment produce heat that can be recovered.
This heat can be used for different application like generators, boiler, processes, heating system and other. Instead of using raw heat, we will reuse heat from a system and at the same time :
- reduce the raw heat produced
- re-use thermal energy in another process
- save energy and CO2
- save cost
E.g : Heat Exchanger after Air Compressor
Practice from: ALPIN Istanbul
Contact: Ozge Ceren
What: Heat Exchange after Air Compressor. Heat due to air production is transfered to oil that will transfer the heat to water in the heat exchanger to be used in another process
Gain: Heat recover used in another process. Heat, energy and CO2 Savings - not calculated
Practice from: MEGHNA Knit
Contact: Farhan CHOWDHURY
What: Heat Recovery from Condensate Steam. Steam is used in the process. Steam becomes condensate and comes back to the boiler to reduce the Temperature of the feeding water tank. Need less energy to heat the water for steam.
Investment: 6 410 USD
- Water : 5865 m3 / year
- Natural gas : 41 683 m3 / year
- CO2 : 82 TCO2 / year
- Cost : 3 444 USD / year
Practice from: KNIT ASIA
Contact: Farhan CHOWDHURY
Old System: Condensate Steam directly to Drain lines
New System: Heat Recovery from Condensate Steam. Steam from Iron machines and Dyeing machines becomes Condensate, it is pumped to be sent into the feeding tank of the boiler to increase the Temperature of the water and use less energy to heat the water that will become steam.
Investment: 40 000 USD
ROI : 4 Years
Practice from: SCM Group
Contact: Yasotharan MANIVEL
Old System: Condensate Steam direct to ETP
New System: Heat Recovery from Condensate Steam. The processed hot water is used to pre-heat the cooling water which is used for fabric dyeing. (Storage capacity – 75000 Litres).
Investment: 1 000kINR = 14kUSD
Gain: 1T Coal / day = 2,44 T CO2 / Day
Competency = no competency
Assessment =
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